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Air New Zealand ies daily direct from Hong Kong to Auck- 新西兰航空每日直飞香港与奥克兰,更可带你畅游
land, providing easy connections to 25 domestic destinations with- 新西兰南北岛25个目的地。乘客旅途中还可以尽享尊贵
in New Zealand. Enjoy the luxury of our lie- at Business Premier 礼遇,豪华公务舱的座椅可变为平躺睡床,豪华经济舱
seat, Premium Economy with more space and legroom or the com- 亦提供宽敞的座椅与腿部伸展空间,经济舱设计同样舒
fort of Economy. With on-demand personal entertainment, great 适写意。机上备有各种丰富自选视听娱乐和美酒佳肴,
food and wine and our friendly Kiwi service, you will arrive in New 加上机组人员亲切贴心的款待,让你悠然飞越新西兰,
Zealand fresh and ready! Find out more at 尽享每刻精彩。

In the pass 30 years, China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel has hosted 广州中国大酒店是国内首批中外合作经营的大型五星级
leaders of nations and commerce as well as thousands of guests as the 酒店,更是万豪国际集团在这个发展迅速的大都会的旗舰酒
店。在过去的三十年里, 中国大酒店成功接待了来自世界各地
rst Sino-foreign cooperative ve-star hotel in mainland China. It is 的商务旅行者和国家领袖。坐落于广州市繁华的中心地段。凭
also one of Marriott International’s agship hotels in Asia Paci c. Lo- 着其得天独厚的地理位置及殷勤周到的服务,多年来,中国大
cated in the heart of “old Canton”, e China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel 酒店一直备受各商界名流和品位人士的青睐。中国大酒店共有
has been home to not only leaders of nations and commerce … but 850间格调高雅、设施齐备的高级客房及套房,酒店设施应有
also discriminating guests and thousands of star-kissed lovers. 尽有,让宾客尽享和谐舒适及先进优势,享受宾至如归的同时
We o er 850 rooms and suites ranging from deluxe rooms to presi-
dential suites. Rooms have been specially designed to be both elegant
and functional, in a thoroughly modern style combining traditional
Chinese style and the latest technology. Guests experience a traditional
welcome and all the comforts of home but with the necessary cyber
facilities to conduct business away from your home base.
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