Page 5 - 2017 Special Report
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sident’s Message Dear Members, 亲爱的会员:

会长致辞 This year, more than 230 companies participated in what has 策划和发布《华南地区经济情况特别报告》(下文简称
become an annual exercise - our Special Report on the State of 《特别报告》)已经成为华南美国商会一年一度的重要活
Business in South China – the results of which always continue to 动,今年参与《特别报告》问卷调查的企业超过230家,
fascinate us, as the Study provides us with intriguing glimpses into 调查结果也一如既往地引人注目。这些企业对中国经济的
the evolving composition and corporate behavior of enterprises 逐步发展和日益成熟做出了巨大的贡献,其组成情况及经
who, in more ways than one, have contributed tremendously to 营活动在过去一年内的变化,我们可以透过今年的《特别
the evolution and growing maturity of the Chinese economy. 报告》一窥究竟。

In 2017 the cross-section of participants has continued to 今年参与《特别报告》调查的企业也具有更加广泛的
broaden. American-invested joint ventures and wholly foreign- 代表性。除了美资合资企业和外商独资企业外,受访企业
owned enterprises are joined by their counterparts from other 还包括来自其他国家和地区的外资企业以及越来越多的中
nations and regions and by a growing contingent of Mainland 国大陆企业。从企业规模上看,受访企业既有员工不足50
Chinese enterprises. We see companies of all sizes, from those 人、年收入低于一百万美元的小公司,也有年收入超过5亿
with fewer than 50 employees and less than US$1 million in 美元、全球员工上万人的大企业。从行业类型来看,受访
revenue all the way up to companies exceeding US$500 million 企业所在的行业从能源电力和农业到尖端软件和精密制造
in revenue and with thousands of employees worldwide. Every 业,覆盖了所有经济部门。
sector of the economy is represented, from energy generation
and agriculture all the way to cutting edge-software and high- 以广东省为首的华南地区仍然是外商在华投资的最佳
precision machinery. 地点。根据我们2017年的《特别报告》,绝大部分受访
South China, led by Guangdong Province, continues to be the 或“很好”。同时,大部分受访企业对中国市场依然抱
best location for foreign investment in China as our study shows 有积极的看法,他们对中国市场增长的展望为“乐观”
an overwhelming majority of companies consider the current 或“较为乐观”。
business environment in South China to be “good” or “very good”.
At the same time, a similar majority proved to harbor positive 然而,根据今年《特别报告》的调查结果,以及我们
sentiments towards the China market replying that they feel 团队为撰写《中国营商环境白皮书》而进行调查、研究
“optimistic” or “slightly optimistic” about the economy. 和分析所得出的见解,我们有充分理由对中国当前的经
The results of this year’s Study, especially when coupled with 改革缺乏进展,未来中国经济的发展走向普遍存在不确
the insights provided by the findings, research and analysis 定性,所以外界对中国市场的信心正在逐渐降低。不仅
conducted by our team for this year’s White Paper on the Business 外资企业如此,更严重的是,中资企业对中国的信心似
Environment in China, present a stark cause for grave concern 乎也有所下降。
about the state of the Chinese economy and its current trajectory.
Because of the perception of the lack of progress of economic 对于上述观点,我们可以从今年调查问卷一个新增问
reforms by the central government and widespread uncertainty 题的统计结果中找到明显的支撑依据。这个问题是:“贵
about the direction of the economy going forward, confidence 公司2016年是否有将再投资转移到其他市场?”调查结
in China has been steadily eroding, not just among the foreign 果显示,在2016年,虽然29.9%的受访企业表示他们并未
business community but, more ominously, it seems to us, among 转移再投资到其他市场,但是相当数量的受访企业表示他
Chinese businesses themselves. 们已经把部分再投资转移到中国之外的其他亚洲市场,其
This is clearly evident when reviewing the result of one of the 26.67%的外资企业办事处。此外,有较大比例(17.6%)
new questions included in this year’s Study, which stated: 的中资企业表示他们亦已将再投资转移到其他亚洲市场。
“Did your company shift any planned reinvestments to other 近三成的受访企业表示,在中国经营成本上涨是他们在

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