Page 5 - SCBJ-201611
P. 5
November 2016

Dear Members, As this November issue goes to print, the United States of
America is poised to elect our nation’s 45th president in one of
Each year during the first week of October, China celebrates the most closely-watched elections in history. In the interest of
its National Day holidays, which usually witnesses record attempting to predict the outcome for this election, our Cover
peaks in Chinese spending on travel, food and shopping. Just Story this month examines how the present seems to resemble
this past October, to coincide with China’s National Holiday the past, when polling averages often actually veered away from
celebrations, AmCham South China, along with the Guangzhou the final outcomes as illustrated in the 2008 and 2012 elections
Municipal Government, and Los Angeles Tourism Board, – and that this election, if anything else, is serving to highlight
successfully co-organized the 4th Guangzhou International the current divisiveness of the American electorate.
Shopping Festival in the city’s upscale Grandview Mall.
Whoever does end up in the White House, we at AmCham
An 18-day shopping and culinary extravaganza, which this year South China hope that he or she will continue to further the
was headlined by the vibrant and exciting cities of Los Angeles vast gains in Sino-US trade relations made over the years –
in California, USA and Auckland, New Zealand, the Guangzhou the final election results will surely fuel highly interesting
International Shopping Festival is a triumphant showcase of discussions in future AmCham members events! We look
these destination’s premium products and attractions, direct forward to seeing you then.
to the increasingly affluent southern Chinese consumer. Both
cities also participated in the Los Angeles and Auckland Select Sincerely,
Brands Exhibition concurrent to the Festival. Judging from
the enthusiastic response from the daily crowds of Chinese Harley Seyedin
shoppers, there was no doubt that headlining the Guangzhou President
International Shopping Festival has greatly benefited the city The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
of Los Angeles in terms of destination brand awareness and Vice Chairman
promotion. We commend all the organizers for the tremendous The Asia Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce
success of this year’s Festival and look forward to hearing about
the positive effects in the months and the year to come.

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