P. 19
Leading the way in 6. What can you tell us about
private international practicing medicine in the
healthcare in China, United U.S. and in China? Was there a
Family Hospital is unique for its “culture shock” when you started
warm, caring, patient service- your career here in Guangzhou?
oriented environment. How do
you keep that uniqueness? Actually, most of the time it feels very similar
and the environment is even nicer than many of
It really needs to be built into everything the places I worked in the US. But every once in a
from our new employee training to our while I will be surprised by something – usually a
daily policies and procedures. Senior medication or vaccine that is unavailable. I enjoy
employees serve as models for new the opportunity to learn from Chinese colleagues. In
employees of our “UFH Way.” And we are my elective time in medical training I studied a little
always open to learning and doing better. Traditional Chinese Medicine, so it is fun to observe
We get lots of feedback from our patients TCM practices in their home country.
and we encourage our staff to report any
problems or suggest improvements. 7. As we know, you are also a
family medicine doctor on
top of your busy life as a general
manager. How do you balance
both undertakings?

Excellent question. I have had to cut back my
hours seeing patients since the hospital opened.
We have a great new board-certified Family
Medicine doctor from the US, Dr. Lani Ackerman,
and many of my patients now go to her. She is the
Chair of our Family Medicine Department. But I
still keep clinic hours one half day a week. I want
to be able to see the patients I have taken care of
now for up to 8 years and also want to keep up my
medical skills.

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