P. 4
itor's Note

June ended with a big bang as the much As you know, I recently returned from the US
anticipated meeting between President where I was invited to attend a private award
Xi and President Trump on the sidelines ceremony held at the Carter Center in Atlanta.
of the G20 in Osaka, Japan resulted in the Former president Jimmy Carter was the recipient
restart of trade negotiations between the of the inaugural George H.W. Bush Award for
two countries. The news was welcomed by Statesmanship in US-China Relations for his work
the world business community with stock 40 years ago concerning the reestablishment
markets around the world rising to the of diplomatic relations with China and his
occasion. More on this great development on “monumental and enduring contributions” to the
page seven. advancement of US-China relations.

Dr. Harley Seyedin With the above announcement promising a The US-China bond has been described by
great month ahead, I would like to wish you world leaders and academics as the world's
President, AmCham South China all a very happy and safe 4th of July holiday. It most important bilateral relationship of the 21st
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Business really is one of my favorites. It’s not only a time century. The astounding value that is accrued to
for Peace Award to have fun with the family, but also a time to both China and the United States over the past
Awarded by the Award Committee of look back at the history of our great nation. 40 years from the normalized relations is a great
Nobel Laureates in Peace and Economics From the very beginning, trade with China was tribute to the vision of George H.W. Bush and
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University of high priority to the US. Jimmy Carter.

A strong relationship with China was even I agree with my friend Neil Bush, Chairman
important to George Washington. He began of the Bush US-China Relations Foundation,
reaching out to China to establish trade routes that we need more voices like those of George
shortly after becoming the America’s first Herbert Walker Bush and Jimmy Carter
president under the current Constitution. showing that a better China-US relationship
Eventually, normal diplomatic relations benefits both sides “deeply and tremendously”.
between the United States and the Chinese We should heed the words of Neil’s father
Empire began June 16, 1844 as the countries President George H.W. Bush: “I do not mistrust
engaged in the negotiations that led to the the future. I do not fear what is ahead. For our
Treaty of Wangxia. The bond between the problems are large, but our heart is larger.”
two countries was evident a hundred years
later when they fought together to defeat the When I look back at history, I see that all past
Japanese during World War II. conflicts regardless of size, type or nature were
resolved in some fashion or another. Now that
Of course, this came to a complete close trade negotiations between US and China have
shortly after that. It took great leadership from restarted, I suggest that as in the past, there
both sides of the Pacific to renew the bonds of are immediate solutions to our differences and
our two great countries; however, the strength hope that we can achieve an end, sooner than
of that bond is now in danger. later, which will result in a win-win resolution
for the people of China and U.S. for many
generations to come.
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