P. 4
itor's Note October is a time of change. The leaves are winds of change. By the end of the month,
falling, American football quarterbacks we will know whether the world’s two
Dr. Harley Seyedin are making their plays, and ghosts and largest economies are starting to chart a
goblins will knock on your front door happily path together or headed for new and higher
President, AmCham South China chanting, “Trick or Treat!” AmCham Youth tariffs. Let’s all hope smarter winds prevail.
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Soccer League also begins October 20 and
Business for Peace Award runs though December 1. October is truly my Finally, we would like to take this time to
Awarded by the Award Committee of favorite time of the year. welcome Kevin Baker, the new director of The
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics American International School of Guangzhou.
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University Known for being the time of year when A fan of craft beer, college football, bourbon,
the winds begin to chill, this year October and barbecue, Kevin is a self-professed
may bring real heat to the China-US trade “Renaissance teacher” who has taught many
negotiations. Last month, U.S. President subjects including physical education,
Donald Trump said a deal to end a nearly psychology and English literature. His
16-month trade conflict with China talented wife Dee founded an international
could happen sooner than people think. school shop in Korea and helped four other
Investors are cautiously optimistic. The schools open their stores. Two of their four
Trump administration removed tariffs offspring are now international educators,
from over 430 Chinese products after the with the others being a graphic designer
Chinese made big agricultural purchases and U.S. Marine. Kevin says, “I believe we
from the United States in September. Eyes foster a positive attitude towards learning
will turn to Washington when further by encouraging students to ask challenging
trade discussions begin again this month. questions, to reflect critically, to develop
A comprehensive deal is exactly what research and inquiry skills and to learn how
both countries need in order to reclaim to learn.”
the moral high ground in international
relations. We expect to see great progress Let’s hope the China and US negotiators are
for the stakes are too high to hold back the guided by a similar message.
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