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ITOR'S NOTE Dear Members, also holding many video conferences with 5-7
members each time, and my goal is to reach out
Dr. Harley Seyedin Iam happy to announce that Senior to each of our 2,300 members to learn what we
Presidential Advisor Kellyanne Conway need to do to satisfy their needs. Even though
President, AmCham South China is the American Chamber of Commerce in we have already raised over US$40 million, we
Winner of the 2017 Oslo South China’s Woman of the year. I have had continue to do all we can to help our fellow
Business for Peace Award the pleasure of meeting Ms. Conway several citizens back home. I am proud of our Chamber
Awardedby theAwardCommitteeof times in Washington DC and have always come Board and unpaid volunteer administration
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics back impressed with her brilliance and the for having accomplished so much in such little
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University work she has done to promote our interests in time during a very difficult time. But I realize
building a level playing field for our members our work is never done.
in China. These battles have been hard fought,
but she has never given up on her support for It is important that we plan for the future.
the president and his agenda. She personifies We have scheduled our “AmCham Hope Ball”
strong leadership, high sense of fashion, for September 19 with the hope for world
elegance, and glamour. You can read more in recovery by then. We shall never lose hope
this month’s South China Business Journal cover and that is why we have set a target for when
story on page 5. we can expect to celebrate our hard work. I
guarantee this is a party you will not want to
One thing we have learned over the last few miss. I cannot tell you how much I am looking
years is that we must be prepared yet adaptable forward to seeing all of you there for I have
in the modern world of business. The year faith that we are nearing the end of COVID-19.
has been especially hard for us. We have been I believe human ingenuity and diligence
fighting an invisible enemy whose presence we can solve this and all problem. We have the
could only plan for on paper. We are now seeing industry, the know-how, and the drive to get
that light at the end of the tunnel, and this train this done. Many of our members are at the
continues to roll. Much of our outreach work forefront of unravelling the complexities we
is done in person, but we, too, have to adjust currently face. We are getting through this
to the reality of the times. We have held many together, and we shall not fail.
Flash Webinars to keep our members and the
community informed with updated information
in many areas as we find it. Every day I am
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