P. 8
PTH data. The high-tech service industries, such as
e-commerce services, professional and technical
The shortening of the FI negative lists as well as services, R&D and design services, and services for
the lengthening of the FI encouraged catalogue the transformation of scientific and technological
marks further opening-up and friendliness of achievements, witnessed rapid growth of FDI
Chinese markets to foreign investors, as promised inflows in China.
by the country’s government.
Given that FIEs account for about a quarter
Despite 2020 being an incredibly challenging of China’s industrial output, a fifth of its tax
year for most economies, China maintained its revenue, and about 40 percent of its total
strong appeal for foreign investment. In great imports and exports – stabilizing foreign
contrast to the estimated 40 percent plunge in investment and optimizing the distribution
global FDI inflows, in the first 11 months of 2020, of foreign capital is a top priority for the
the actual use of foreign investment in China government and policymakers.
reached RMB 899.38 billion (US$137.77 billion),
up 6.3 percent year on year, according to official

As China’s industrial structure continues to
upgrade, foreign investment will continue
to be favored in industries related to
advanced manufacturing, high and new
technologies, energy conservation, and
environmental protection.
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