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(8) To foster market players: Guangzhou will funds, according to the current subsidy standards
bring in global high-quality capital to facilitate and requirements. Besides, livestreaming marketing
the development of the local CBEC industry. are specially encouraged to promote Guangzhou’s
Guangzhou CBEC enterprises will be encouraged export to RCEP countries and introduce RCEP
to list in domestic and overseas capital markets, goods to Guangzhou citizens.
and the successfully listed CBEC enterprises (11) To attract talents: Guangzhou will offer
will be rewarded and subsidized in accordance e-commerce related educational specialization
with relevant policies if their domestic operation in colleges/ universities and provide relevant
headquarters are set in Guangzhou. training to the employees of CBEC enterprises.
(9) To strengthen innovation: CBEC enterprises Guangzhou will also endeavor to attract overseas
are encouraged to apply to be hi-tech enterprises, talents – “high-end talents” and “talents in short
which are subject to preferential CIT rates. Besides, supply” introduced by CBEC enterprises shall
CBEC enterprises are encouraged to build their own enjoy relevant talents subsidies, according to the
brand overseas and lead the formulation of relevant current regulations.
standards. For those who successfully develop The Several Measures came into force as of the date
international, national, and industrial standards for of issuance and shall be valid for three years.
CBEC sectors, financial support will be awarded in E-commerce and business opportunities
accordance with current policies. under RCEP
(10) To expand international marketing As the largest multilateral FTA in history, RCEP
capacity: Guangzhou will support CBEC holds great significance for the region, for China,
enterprises to build overseas warehouses for and for foreign investors.
exporting to RCEP countries. The airlines that open The primary aim of the RCEP is to establish a
international or regional cargo routes in Guangzhou comprehensive economic partnership – building
on existing bilateral ASEAN agreements within the
Baiyun Airport shall obtain region with its FTA partners. It will be guided by a
airline subsidy common set of rules and standards, lowered trade
barriers, streamlined processes, and improved
market access.
Once implemented, it will create the largest trade
bloc in Asia and is expected to generate US$12.4
trillion in trade.
In the region, the pact is monumental not only
because it amasses 15 vastly disparate Asian
economies and manages to find a common working
ground, but it also offers a way to coherently
amalgamate multiple bilateral and trilateral trade
agreements already in existence – for example,
linking together some of the benefits of RCEP,
CPTPP, and the New Zealand-Australia-Japan-India
New Supply Chain Pact.
For foreign investors, RCEP will deliver substantial
new trade and investment opportunities within
the participating countries – covering roughly 30
percent of the global GDP (US$26.2 trillion) and
30 percent of the world’s population to form Asia’s
largest trade bloc to date.
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