Page 27 - The South China Business Journal
P. 27
owering Mega International Sports
Events with Better, Faster and Stronger
Logistics Services
During the past 35 years, FedEx Express has local rules on cargo transport, then integrate their
developed a bond with a host of international resources to form diverse approaches to respond to
sports events. Our decades-long experiences the changing policies and environment.
demonstrate just how important the stability,
efficiency and sustainability of shipments are to an Digital transformation and innovative technologies to
event’s success. optimize supply-chain efficiency and ensure a flexible
and efficient event logistics supply chain. FedEx has
• Stability. International sports events have the collaborated with third party technical experts and
launched several logistics solutions which leverage
most demanding requirements on logistic network big data, artificial intelligence and other emerging
and transportation capacity. Stable and extensive technologies to enhance FedEx logistics management
transportation networks as well as adequate and capabilities and efficiency.
constantly growing shipping capacities are key for
logistics companies to respond swiftly to demand • Sustainability. Arising from the distribution
for efficient dispatch and distribution of shipments
around the world. of materials, venue construction and related
personnel activities,
Through our extensive huge demand for
network and material transportation
connectivity, we ensure becomes a major
smooth transportation challenge in achieving a
of materials for mega more sustainable event.
sports events around It is key for the logistics
the world. As one of industry to explore new
the world's largest approaches that help
express transportation these international
companies, FedEx events advance down
Express has one of the the carbon-neutral
world’s largest air cargo track. FedEx announced
fleets with over 680 its ambitious goal
aircraft and an extensive of achieving carbon
logistics network that neutral operations
covers more than 220 by 2040, and has
countries and territories. designated more than
In 2021, we launched five new intercontinental flights
originating from the Chinese mainland, connecting US $2 billion of initial investment in three key
North America and Europe. We also increased our areas: vehicle electrification, sustainable energy
network capacity by replacing some Boeing 757 and carbon sequestration.
narrow body freighters with Boeing 767 wide-body
freighters. These contribute to a total of more than In China, FedEx has key initiatives including paperless
300 weekly flights in and out of China. shipping, sustainable packaging solutions, vehicle
electrification, and more sustainable facilities. For
• Efficiency has been a key qualifier of logistics example, in Beijing, FedEx Express has more than 155
electric vehicles in use, including all FedEx vehicles
services for mega international sports events — from running within the Fifth Ring Road.
preparation and execution to centralized material
recycling after the event. Over the past almost four decades of working with
the sports industry, FedEx Express has witnessed
Coordinating logistics within a tight time frame and international sports events grow in variety, scale,
collecting packages from multiple locations can be and influence. We will continue to provide the global
challenging. Important materials for sports event market and customers with stable, efficient and
operations must be delivered on time, and complex sustainable cross-border logistic services, while
and varied cargo transport rules and customs working to improve global economic, trade and
clearance policies between countries and regions cultural connectivity to deliver the best customer
must be followed. experience possible.
By leveraging global operation facilities and their By Eddy Chan
professional experience, logistics companies can Senior Vice President of FedEx Express and
gather in-depth intelligence on the changes in President of FedEx China
Events with Better, Faster and Stronger
Logistics Services
During the past 35 years, FedEx Express has local rules on cargo transport, then integrate their
developed a bond with a host of international resources to form diverse approaches to respond to
sports events. Our decades-long experiences the changing policies and environment.
demonstrate just how important the stability,
efficiency and sustainability of shipments are to an Digital transformation and innovative technologies to
event’s success. optimize supply-chain efficiency and ensure a flexible
and efficient event logistics supply chain. FedEx has
• Stability. International sports events have the collaborated with third party technical experts and
launched several logistics solutions which leverage
most demanding requirements on logistic network big data, artificial intelligence and other emerging
and transportation capacity. Stable and extensive technologies to enhance FedEx logistics management
transportation networks as well as adequate and capabilities and efficiency.
constantly growing shipping capacities are key for
logistics companies to respond swiftly to demand • Sustainability. Arising from the distribution
for efficient dispatch and distribution of shipments
around the world. of materials, venue construction and related
personnel activities,
Through our extensive huge demand for
network and material transportation
connectivity, we ensure becomes a major
smooth transportation challenge in achieving a
of materials for mega more sustainable event.
sports events around It is key for the logistics
the world. As one of industry to explore new
the world's largest approaches that help
express transportation these international
companies, FedEx events advance down
Express has one of the the carbon-neutral
world’s largest air cargo track. FedEx announced
fleets with over 680 its ambitious goal
aircraft and an extensive of achieving carbon
logistics network that neutral operations
covers more than 220 by 2040, and has
countries and territories. designated more than
In 2021, we launched five new intercontinental flights
originating from the Chinese mainland, connecting US $2 billion of initial investment in three key
North America and Europe. We also increased our areas: vehicle electrification, sustainable energy
network capacity by replacing some Boeing 757 and carbon sequestration.
narrow body freighters with Boeing 767 wide-body
freighters. These contribute to a total of more than In China, FedEx has key initiatives including paperless
300 weekly flights in and out of China. shipping, sustainable packaging solutions, vehicle
electrification, and more sustainable facilities. For
• Efficiency has been a key qualifier of logistics example, in Beijing, FedEx Express has more than 155
electric vehicles in use, including all FedEx vehicles
services for mega international sports events — from running within the Fifth Ring Road.
preparation and execution to centralized material
recycling after the event. Over the past almost four decades of working with
the sports industry, FedEx Express has witnessed
Coordinating logistics within a tight time frame and international sports events grow in variety, scale,
collecting packages from multiple locations can be and influence. We will continue to provide the global
challenging. Important materials for sports event market and customers with stable, efficient and
operations must be delivered on time, and complex sustainable cross-border logistic services, while
and varied cargo transport rules and customs working to improve global economic, trade and
clearance policies between countries and regions cultural connectivity to deliver the best customer
must be followed. experience possible.
By leveraging global operation facilities and their By Eddy Chan
professional experience, logistics companies can Senior Vice President of FedEx Express and
gather in-depth intelligence on the changes in President of FedEx China