Page 11 - 2020 Policy Watch-Comparison of Secret Sale Patent
P. 11
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

Under the above Chinese regulations, the patent ap- 根据以上中国法规,如果秘密销售的专利申请没
plication still features novelty if the patent application 有能够为公众所获知,专利申请仍然拥有新颖
on secret sale is not available to the public. In perspec- 性。从知识产权方面上,这显示了中国与美国对
tive of intellectual property, it shows great difference 于“秘密销售”的差别有多大。
between China and the US on “secret sales”.
Compared to the US, a significantly different influence 与美国相比,中国对于“销售阻碍”在发明专利
of the on-sale bar on the patentability of an invention 可授予专利性的影响巨大差别可以在孙刚与中国
in China can be seen in the case of Sun Gang v. China’s 复审委员会(现称为专利局复审与无效部)案件
Patent Reexamination Board (now called Reexamina- 中体现。
tion and Invalidation Department of the Patent Of-
fice). 中国专利复审委员会(PREB)作出16801号无效
The China’s Patent Re-Examination Board (PREB) is- 宣告请求决定,宣告专利02159946.7无效。专利
sued the No. 16801 decision of Examination on Re- 权人不服并对16801号提起诉讼。北京市第一中
quest for Invalidation where the patent 02159946.7 级法院驳回该决定并要求PREB重新审查。PREB
was declared invalid. The patentee refused to accept 向北京市高级法院提起上诉。北京市高级人民法
the decision and thus brought a lawsuit against the 院维持一审判决。
No.16801 decision. Beijing first Intermediate Court
overruled the decision and requested the PREB to re- 专利权人与请求人于1999年09月09日签订技术转
view the case. Therefore, PREB filed an appeal to the 让协议共同研制系列强力筛,并且由专利权人负
Beijing High Court. The Beijing High Court affirmed 责联系产品的第一个用户。2000年10月19日,请
the verdict of the first instance. 求人作为供方与需方晋城矿务局签订产品购销合
The patentee and the claimant signed a technology 同,向晋城矿务局凤凰山煤矿提供“原煤强力
transfer agreement on 9th September 1999 to jointly 分级筛”,合同金额为20万元。双方在合同中约
develop a series of punchy vibration sieves, where the 定:该套筛正常运转不少于1500小时达到协议书
patentee shall be responsible for contacting the first 第一条要求并通过技术鉴定后,办理承兑汇票20
user of the product. On 19th October 2000, the claim- 万元整。2001年10月由北京科技大学、请求人及
ant, as the supplier, signed a sales and purchase contract 晋煤集团凤凰山煤矿共同出具了验收材料,证明
with Mount. Phoenix Mine of Jincheng Mining Bu- 该强力振动筛验收合格。2001年11月7日请求人
reau, to provide the “punchy classifying sieves for raw 出具了人民币20万元的增值税专用发票。请求人
coal” to the Bureau for a price of 200,000 yuan. The 及晋煤集团凤凰山煤矿于2002年12月共同出具了
parties agreed that acceptance of a Bill of Exchange of 科技成果鉴定材料。2002年11月30日,递交专利
200,000 yuan would be made once the set of sieves op- 申请。
erated normally no less than 1500 hours and approved
by technical examination. In October 2001, Beijing
University of Science and Technology, the claimant
and the Mount. Phoenix Mine issued documents of in-
spection and acceptance, proving that the sieve passed
inspection and acceptance. The claimant then issued
the Special Fapiao for Value-added Tax of

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