Page 9 - 2020 Policy Watch-Comparison of Secret Sale Patent
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The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

POante-snatleLbawar in the Chinese 中国专利法的“销售阻却”

The Chinese Patent Law does not specify an on-sale bar 中国专利法没有像《莱希史密斯美国发明法案》
like the Leahy-Smith American Invention Act. It is held 明确“销售阻却”原则。中国认为申请日前进行
in China that whether a patent application that was on 销售的专利申请是否可授予专利决定于其是否被
sale before the date of filing is patentable depends on 公开或者是否为公众能够获得。如果它可以为公
whether it is disclosed or available to the public. If it is 众所获知,该销售行为使其成为现有技术,并因
available to the public, the sale makes it a prior art and 此丧失其新颖性。根据中国《专利法》第二十二
thus lose its novelty. A patent application with a lack of 条,丧失新颖性的专利申请不能被授予专利权。
novelty is un-patentable in accordance with Article 22
of the Chinese Patent Law. 中国《专利法》第二十二条规定 :
Article 22 of the Chinse Patent Law states that
“Any invention or utility model for which patent right “授予专利权的发明和实用新型,应当具备新颖
may be granted must possess novelty, inventiveness and 性、创造性和实用性。
practical applicability.
Novelty means that, the invention or utility model 新颖性,是指该发明或者实用新型不属于现有技
does not form part of the prior art; nor has any entity 术;也没有任何单位或者个人就同样的发明或者
or individual filed previously before the date of filing 实用新型在申请日以前向国务院专利行政部门提
with the patent administration department under the 出过申请,并记载在申请日以后公布的专利申请
State Council an application related to the identical in- 文件或者公告的专利文件中。
vention or utility model disclosed in patent application
documents published or patent documents announced 本法所称现有技术,是指申请日以前在国内外为
after the said date of filing. 公众所知的技术。”
The prior art referred to in this Law means any tech-
nology known to the public before the date of filing in 《专利审查指南》第三章进一步定义“现有技
China or abroad.” 术”。“现有技术是指申请日以前在国内外为公
Chapter 3 of the Guideline of Examination for Patents 众所知的技术。现有技术包括在申请日(有优先
defines “prior art” further. “Prior art means any tech- 权的,指优先权日) 以前在国内外出版物上公开
nology known to the public before the date of filing in 发表、在国内外公开使用或者以其他方式为公众
China or aboard. The prior art includes any technology 所知的技术。”
which has been disclosed in publications in China or
abroad, or has been publicly used or made known to
the public by other means in China or aboard, before
the date of filing.

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