P. 4
itor's Note

Dr. Harley Seyedin Agreat deal has happened since the last time to note that, in all transparency, I paid for all
I have written to you. US-China Business the above trip costs out of my own pocket. I
President, AmCham South China Council (USCBC) President Ambassador will return to Washington in November and
Winner of the 2017 Oslo Craig Allen and “world reigning strategy again in December to continue to promote
Business for Peace Award guru” Professor Michael Enright shared their normalized US-China relations and trade. The
Awarded by the Award Committee of thoughts on the ongoing US-China trade many meetings I will attend include White
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics talks and the impact on businesses in China House Counselor Kellyanne Conway and other
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University at an event we sponsored in late October. I influential officials.
also had the pleasure to share some firsthand
information of my own. Recently, in an effort In other AmCham South China news, we
to help bring an end to the trade war, I spent strongly support the International Symposium
several weeks in the US knocking on doors on the Peaceful Use of Space Technology and
and sharing our Chamber’s views on the US- invite you to attend. The Symposium will be
China Trade dispute. Meetings I attended attended by Neil Bush, Chairman of President
included US treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin, George Herbert Walker Bush US-China Relations
transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, Former Foundation and astronauts from US, China,
US Ambassador to United Nations Nikki Japan, France, Germany, Netherlands, Malaysia,
Haley, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, and and Russia. It is co-hosted by the Chinese Society
RNC Co-Chair Tommy Hicks. I also had the of Astronautics, the China Association for High-
opportunity to join a small private dinner Tech Industrialization and the International
with Donald Trump Jr., and Trump Campaign Peace Alliance (Space), focusing on the latest
Manager Brad Parscale at a friend’s house in development of space technology and exploring
San Antonio, and also joined President Trump the application of space technology in promoting
at a VIP reception in Dallas. What I have found social and economic development. The event
is that the US-China agreement, expected to is co-sponsored by our Chamber. The 2019
be signed in mid-November, is a great step International Symposium will focus on the
forward toward finalizing some parts of a phase development and application of space technology
one trade deal. It is expected that the deal will in health care, remote sensing big data, space
go forward even though Chile has cancelled education and other aspects. You are welcome to
the Summit where the signing was expected to give our office a call for more information.
take place. Discussions will go on continuously
at the deputy level, and the principals will have And finally, I have some personal news for
another call in the near future. I am optimistic you. On October 25, I was knighted under
on the future of US-China trade and will Philippines act of Parliament 646 joining others
keep you updated as I find out more as both who have been knighted including Dr. Henry
countries try to end a potentially devastating Kissinger and King Carlos of Spain. I am both
series of tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars honored and humbled to be in such company.
worth of each other’s exports. I find it important
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