P. 4
itor's Note Dear Members, and from Calcutta to Melbourne and
Beijing to Mexico City and Santiago. Please
Dr. Harley Seyedin We may be at the beginning of the visit our website www.amcham-southchina.
end of the Coronavirus outbreak. org to download any of our publications
President, AmCham South China This is good news for foreign businesses free of charge.
Winner of the 2017 Oslo in China. Experts are now saying that the
Business for Peace Award virus could be under control by the end The virus outbreak dashed the hopes
Awardedby theAwardCommitteeof of this month, but Chinese authorities of many foreign companies operating
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics are taking some extensive steps to in China that trading conditions in the
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University prevent another coronavirus outbreak by region might be about to improve after 20
people returning to China who may have months of uncertainty caused by the US-
contracted the virus prior to their return. China trade conflict. While the outbreak
You can read more about this policy on will undoubtedly impact global growth,
page 3. So far, there have been no reports signing of the Phase One deal on January
of infection from any AmCham member, 15 continues to give foreign and Chinese
and our companies are now operational firms a cause for optimism. Therefore, it
and increasing capacity every day. I is of paramount importance that a Phase
am certain that by continuing to work II deal between US and China be inked
together, we will beat the virus and all the as soon as possible as it will help reduce
difficulties created by it. the impact of the outbreak on the global
economy in a substantial way.
As you can also read on page 4, with our
encouragement AmCham South China This month we are also following the
members have contributed more than 39.6 story that Jon Huntsman, the former
million US dollars in cash to help curtail Utah governor, and ambassador to China
the outbreak. We have also extensively and Russia has announced his bid for a
acted in cooperation with the Guangdong third term as Utah's governor, saying it
Foreign Affairs Office and Departments was "time to give back to our home state
of Commerce in Guangdong, Fujian, again." Huntsman, who most recently
Guangxi and Hainan, as well as their served as President Donald Trump's
counterparts in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, ambassador to Russia, served as Utah’s
Dongguan, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Nanning, Liu governor from 2005 to 2009.
Zhou, Haikou, and many other cities in
the fight against the virus and in making During his tenure in China, Ambassador
sure your questions are answered. This Huntsman visited our Chamber on many
cooperation has also resulted in 100% of occasions and became our most ardent
problems related to restarting of members’ supporter. His unwavering commitment to
operations being resolved within 24 hours helping American companies resulted in
from the time they were brought to our amazing increases in US exports to China.
attention. For example, if we were to make a stack
of dollar bills using export dollars in 2008,
I am also happy to report that during the our stack would have been 4,732 miles
extended shut down we contacted all of high. In 2010, a year after Ambassador
our members by telephone and released a Huntsman arrived in China, that same
Special Report on the Impact of COVID-19 stack of dollar bills reached 6,235 miles
Coronavirus Outbreak in February. Since high. However, Jon Huntsman’s diplomacy
then we also conducted a study, the Special is always focused on bridge-building. So
Report on the Impact of the outbreak on the by rotating our stack of dollar bills 90
Supply Chain which was released together degrees, we can say that it was 6,235 miles
with our two major annual reports wide instead. As our currency is free-
the 2020 White Paper on the Business floating, one could walk right across the
Environment in China (in its 13th year) Pacific Ocean on a bridge of dollar bills:
and the 2020 Special Report on the State of the distance from Beijing to San Francisco
Business in South China (in its 16th year). is approximately 5,918 miles as the jetliner
It was no surprise that our report on the flies. More about this great American’s
supply chain sent shock waves throughout announcement on page 19.
the world and was covered by literally
every news portal in the world. Results This has been a busy few months for us at
of the study were covered by Reuters, the Chamber. It is times of crisis such as this
Associated Press, FT, Roll Call and carried when standing together is most important.
by the likes of New York Times, Wall Street As always, we appreciate your support.
Journal, the Washington Post, LA Times
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