P. 7
y online sectors of China’s economy should learn in advance entry requirements of destination
have grown despite the outbreak. Online countries or regions to avoid financial and time losses in
shopping, education, remote office services case of any entry refusals. Those who travel to countries
and entertainment, as well as intelligent or regions without entry restrictions, are advised to arrive
manufacturing, had shown growth, and at exit ports well ahead of departure time for necessary
predicted some other sectors would checks. Foreigners having fever with symptoms of acute
rebound after the epidemic was over. respiratory infection such as cough or breathing difficulties,
should avoid international travels and seek immediate
Even as majority of factories in China have medical treatment at the nearest hospitals. Information
returned to work, a significant portion such as recent activities as well as close contacts should be
of them expect to face component and provided to relevant authorities for any necessary control
material shortages for the foreseeable measures.
future caused by disruptions due to the
coronavirus epidemic. AmCham South The Chinese government advises that until the outbreak
China president Dr. Harley Seyedin said, is completely under control, people should avoid crowded
“It will require a coordinated international public places and take effective preventive measures.
series of actions to minimize the impact
of disruption in the supply chain. Today’s Foreigners should report to the local communities, NIA
events prove we need each other as no one authorities, or hygiene and health authorities and cooperate
country can do it alone.” actively in medical treatment and epidemic control if they
have a fever with symptoms of acute respiratory infection
By mid-February, Guangdong government such as cough or breathing difficulties.
authorities lowered their alert level for the
outbreak, amid indications that the deadly Meanwhile, AmCham South China’s fundraising effort is
epidemic has been largely contained in most continuing to combat the novel coronavirus pneumonia
parts of the country. By April 2, Guangdong outbreak in China. By the first of April, AmCham South
dropped down to being the sixth hardest hit China members and its business community have donated
province as with 1,507 confirmed cases and US$39.6 million in cash and US$1.03 million in-kind to
eight confirmed deaths. It was China’s sixth aid Wuhan, Hubei, and other areas in need.
administrative region to lower the alert level
as the country grapples with the outbreak Dr. Seyedin said the only way to combat the virus is if
while struggling to get people back to work everyone follows directions and continues to do what they
and limit damage to the economy. can to help others, “Our members have been working hand
in hand with our Chinese counterparts to fight the novel
The Chinese government has taken a series coronavirus outbreak. Let’s continue the fight as I know
of strong measures since the outbreak of together we will succeed.”
pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus.
As President Xi Jinping stated, China
has full confidence and capability to win
the battle against the novel coronavirus
outbreak. In order to prevent a second
outbreak, China closed its borders to entry
by all foreign nationals on March 28 and
moved to reduce international flights to
one per country per carrier per week. All
Chinese citizens returning to China will be
quarantined for 14 days at a government
designated hotel at their own expense.

According to AmCham South China, due
to entry restrictions adopted by some
countries and regions, it is advised that
foreigners who need to exit from China,

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