Page 7 - 2020 Policy Watch-The IP International Exchange of Hainan
P. 7
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China

Background 背景

The Guiding Opinions of the Central Committee of the 发布于2018年4月11日的《中共中央、国务院关
CPC and the State Council on Supporting Hainan for 于支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见》明确
Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening-up, 指出鼓励探索知识产权证券化,完善知识产权信
issued on 14th April 2018, states explicitly that we 用担保机制。
should encourage exploration of Intellectual Property
securitization and improve the intellectual property 2018年10月24日推出的《海南自由贸易试验区总
credit guarantee mechanism. 体方案》支持建立知识产权交易中心,推动知识
The General Plan for the Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone 产权运营服务体系建设,鼓励探索知识产权证券
which was rolled out on 16th October 2018, support- 化,完善知识产权交易体系与交易机制。
ed establishment of the intellectual property exchange
center, to construct an intellectual property operation 中共中央、国务院于2020年6月1日印发《海南自
service system, encouraging exploration of Intellectual 由贸易港建设总体方案》,进一步强调,2025年
Property securitization and improving the intellectual 前重点任务之一是建设海南国际知识产权交易
property trading system and mechanism. 所,在知识产权转让、运用和税收政策等方面开
The Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free 展制度创新,规范探索知识产权证券化。
Trade Port, published on 1st June 2020 by the Cen-
tral Committee of the CPC and the State Council, 在中国中央政府上述决策的要求下,海南知识产
emphasized further that one of the key undertakings 权交易中心成立并实施上述政策。
of Hainan by 2025 is to construct the Hainan Inter-
national Intellectual Property Exchange, to carry out
institutional innovation in transfer, usage and taxation
policy of intellectual property, and to standardize intel-
lectual property securitization.
As requested by the above decisions of the Chinese
central government, the IP International Exchange of
Hainan was established to implement the above policy.

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