Page 8 - 2020 Policy Watch-The IP International Exchange of Hainan
P. 8
icy Watch: The IP International Exchange of Hainan

Current Development 最新发展

The Exchange officially open for business on 28th Au- 交易中心于2020年8月28日正式开业。交易中心
gust 2020. It, as a trial site, is developing four systems: 作为试点,正在发展四个系统:分别是知识产权
IP transfers, IP licenses, IP ecosystem (including evalu- 权属转让、知识产权许可、知识产权生态体系和
ation, credit guarantee, data services and legal protec- 多链联盟。
tion), and multi-chain alliance.
Regarding IP transfer and license, the Exchange is ex- 与者转让其知识产权权属或者许可机制,定制金
ploring a mechanism where the participants can sell 融衍生品以充分利用知识产权。交易中心也在探
their IP ownership or license it, and also customize fi- 索知识产权交易市场挂牌定价机制,更好地利用
nancial derivatives to make full use of IP rights. The 知识产权价值,推动中国市场发展。
Exchange is also exploring a mechanism to list prices in
the IP trading market to better utilize the value of IP 交易中心希望在知识产权转让、运用等方面进行
and move the Chinese market. 定向税收优惠和人民币自由汇兑等制度创新,以
The Exchange is also expected to adopt innovations 此方式,助推海南服务贸易的自由化和便利化。
such as providing targeted tax breaks and RMB’s free
exchange services when assigning or utilizing IP ex- 交易中心与海南国际仲裁员、金融公司、科技公
change, as a measure to motivate the liberalization and 司、知识产权代理公司、律师事务所、银行等合
facilitation of Hainan’s service and trade sectors. 作,构建知识产权生态体系。
The Exchange cooperates with Hainan International
Arbitration Court, financial companies, technology 交易中心围绕知识产权交易,联合政府相关部门
companies, intellectual property agents, law firms, 和行业上下游合作单位,构建“IP多链联盟”,
banks etc., for constructing the IP ecosystem. 即多链联盟
Moreover, focusing on the Intellectual Property trade,
the Exchange joints the related government depart- 交易中心引入区块链技术至知识产权相关业务,
ments and industries on construction of “IP multiple 例如证据保全、知识产权注册、交易和融资。
chain league”, namely “multiple chain league”.
The Exchange introduces blockchain technology to IP-
related work, such as evidence preservation, IP registra-
tion, trade or liquidation.

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